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What is Maya Abdominal Therapy?
The Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® (ATMAT) is a non-invasive, external massage of the abdomen and low back used in ancient Mayan healing to gently guide the uterus into optimal alignment, relieve digestive disorders and help with fertility challenges. Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN, developed these techniques while apprenticing with traditional Mayan healer, Don Elijio Panti, in the jungles of Belize where she practiced with Don Elijio and lived for three decades.
ATMAT aims to improve the flow of blood, lymph, nerves and Qi (energy) throughout the body while guiding the reproductive and digestive organs back into optimal position. ATMAT supports the body’s self-healing abilities and may relieve many conditions often treated with prescription drugs or surgery.
Symptoms of a misaligned uterus or pelvic congestion, relieved by ATMAT:
Pelvic pain and congestion
Painful, irregular, or lack of menstruation
Infertility, fertility difficulties
Ovarian cysts and polyps
Digestive issues
Chronic constipation
Miscarriage and difficult pregnancies
Low back aches and pain associated with menses
Displaced or prolapsed uterus or bladder
Peri-menopause or menopause symptoms
PMS, headaches/dizziness associated with menstruation
Hormonal imbalances
Frequent urination
Post-surgical abdominal adhesions
What should I expect during a session?
An initial session will last 1.5-2 hours. During this session, we will review your health history, talk about your current health concerns and answer any questions you may have about the treatment. During the treatment, we will use a combination of massage and manual therapy techniques on the abdomen, back and sacrum to align the reproductive and pelvic organs . A self-care massage you can practice at home to support you in between treatments will be taught. We may also include or recommend castor oil packs, herbs, or any additional modalities that may support you in your healing. We recommend at least three sessions of ATMAT, which may be combined with a full body massage after the initial session. Follow up sessions will range anywhere between 60 minutes for ATMAT alone, or 1.5-2hrs for a combination of ATMAT and massage therapy.
Ready for your first session? Please fill out contact form below to book!